Friday, January 8, 2010

Previous 2010 posts transferred from other website

Thursday, January 7, 2010
Bit By Bit
Bit by bit is the way I have been creating this week. Sunday's "art" consisted of applying watercolor washes to some journal pages and loose watercolor sheets. Completed one postcard in a "Zetti" style on Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday I started work in a new journal which I am really having fun with! I'll try to get some pictures up this weekend.

Here's the Zetti style postcard...buggy girl. :)
Garden Bug
I hope you are getting to do at least a bit of something you enjoy each day!

Saturday, January 2, 2010
Small and Silly Art
Today was a nice quiet day! There never seem to be enough of those to suit me. AND I managed to make 4 ATCs for katilady's "In the Style of Teesha Moore" swap over on

Here's a peek:
ATCs in the style of Teesha Moore

They were fun to make, but it felt like I was trying to squish a lot of art into a tiny space. I am planning to try some larger pieces, using Teeha Moore's techniques with images that are more my own style.If you're not familiar with her, I'd encourage you to look her up on YouTube. She has some great videos and is very generous in sharing her art and processes! **Thanks Teesha!!**

Hugs & Happiness,

Friday, January 1, 2010Happy 2010!
Happy New Year! There's something so exciting about a new year. All those blank calendar squares waiting to be filled up with LIFE. I don't make "resolutions" as such because I believe we can only make significant changes when we come under conviction that the risk of changing is less than the risk of remaining the same. Anias Nin says it well in this quotation, "And the day came when the risk to remain tight in the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom." Those times in our life aren't determined by the calendar, rather they are part of our individual journey through life.That said, I do sometimes issue myself "challenges." Such as my new EVERYday Art Challenge! I am challenging myself to do SOMEthing creative every day this year. Nothing specific, just SOMEthing. This because I recognize that results require action, and I would really like to expand and develop my artistic skills. I will try to document the progress of the challenge here on my blog. (Yeah, that's the other challenge...becoming a dependable blogger!)For today, I made a set of a dozen ATC backgrounds. The bases are made from a "repurposed" watercolor practice painting. I added borders of random paper they are ready for some collaged images to be added on top!

Hopefully this finds you entering the new year feeling creative too! All the best for the days to come!

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